Professional Learning Resources

Available resources are linked below. Please note that some links are live and many are controlled by organizations outside of Millard. Educators are asked to use professional discernment and follow Board Policy and Rule when using these resources.

Co-Teaching Resources

This is built and maintained by Leadership and Learning.

Cultural Competency

to view resources and website.

Millard Instructional Model and Additional Resources

Additional Resources can be found on the Evaluations Page

MPS Technology Resources

This maintained by our Technology Department offers a variety of resources.

Professional Learning Resource Archive and Staff Wellness

This contains Staff Wellness, Teambuilding, Professional Learning, and Technology resources. These resources are a collection of new and archived sites, presentations, or book studies. To locate a resource or view what is available, you can search by keyword in the description or use the “Topic(s) Keywords” drop down menu. Please reach out to Leadership & Learning if you cannot find a resource or would like to discuss one.

Professional Learning Communities - MPS Resources

for acomprehensive list of resources for Millard PLCs.

Professional Library

Millard is proud to support the Personal Professional Development of our teachers and staff members. We have created an extensive collection of professional journals, books, articles, and resources within our . The collection also includes limited sets of books for professional development. Topics include leadership, management, learning environment, and instructional strategies.